Sunday 13 January 2013



What historic styles and designers interest you and why?


Historic styles that interest me the are Impressionism, Futurism, and Minimalism. I love Impressionism for its ability to convey beauty without painting too tightly.  It allows a sense of freedom.  I am also strongly influenced by Futurism and Minimalism because I enjoy painting abstract paintings that incorporate a sense of movement and speed while keeping the painting clean and simple.

One of my favorite designers is Massimo Vignelli.  I am inspired by this man's ability to design everything: product design, packaging design, graphic design, furniture design, architecture.  I am also aligned with his concept of design: creating beauty through the use of a minimal color palette and keeping only the essentials or necessities in a design. 

Another designer that I admire is Paula Scher.  I love her bold usage of typography.  Her posters always demand attention.  I also love her typographic maps. Those maps consists of beautiful color combinations paired with simple and clean typefaces.

Through the course of the class, I hope to enlarge my knowledge on design styles and history.  I want increase my design 'vocabulary'.

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